Increase Productivity

Dictating Is 3x Faster Than Typing. Start Talking!

Dictating Is 3x Faster Than Typing. Start Talking!

I’ve been pushing myself to try a new habit. Anytime I need to type one sentence or more, I talk to my computer or device instead of typing. It is so hard to break this habit after so many years of typing!

“You mean you’re talking to your devices? All the time?”

Yep! I talk to my phone, even out in public. I talk to my computer at home. I talk to my computer at work. I do it as much as possible. So. Freaking. Cool! It must be hilarious to be around me while I am working. I’m just taaaaaalking away with no one around.

“Alright, but HOW MUCH faster is it? Why isn’t everyone doing it?”

Tweak Your Morning Routine To Turn Off Your Brain, Remember Everything, and Start Your Day Right!

Tweak Your Morning Routine To Turn Off Your Brain, Remember Everything, and Start Your Day Right!

Do you forget things in the morning sometimes? Forget to shave? Forget mascara or another piece of your makeup routine? Leave that important paper you needed? Forget your computer? Forget to take your pills? Ever stood at the front door racking your brain before you leave thinking, “What am I forgetting?”
After all of that, do you find you’re starting your day already feeling a little mentally drained?

I decided to implement in my morning routines some of the visual management tactics I use at work in LEAN Six Sigma, and combine them with the concept of a checklist, inspired by a book that was a productivity game changer for me, Checklist Manifesto.

So what changed?

I used to do this frequently. I used to be mentally tired even as I started my day. I thought it was lack of sleep, but it turns out, a simple adjustment changed all that.

Going Paperless for Free

Going Paperless for Free

Going paperless, might sound daunting, but it’s not as bad as you might think. It’s easily within your grasp, and you can even do it for free. I’ve been paperless for years, and have found some tactics that really work. I’ve had friends try this approach successfully too, so I wanted to share it with you in case you’re interested.

What’s the benefit to going paperless?

Here’s a few…

Okay, how can you go paperless for free?

Password Saving Apps - More Security, While Saving Your Time and Mental Bandwidth

Password Saving Apps - More Security, While Saving Your Time and Mental Bandwidth

So many usernames and passwords to remember! Research by Digital Guardian found the average person in the US has more than 130 account with logins. For you and I, it might be significantly more than that. I just checked, and for me I have over 500. If you’re not already doing so, use a password manager app to save your mental bandwidth - it manages all of your account passwords and other confidential information. Also, you’ll be saving time with every login because the app can automatically fill in your username and password, no matter which device you’re on.

Keeping Lists! Which Ones and Why Bother?

Keeping Lists! Which Ones and Why Bother?

Lists can be your savior! Let’s talk about how. Ever been in these situations?

  • Your partner looks at you and says “Where shall we go out to eat tonight?” You look back at them, drawing a blank, just shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know, where do you want to go?”

  • You find out school is cancelled for the day, the kids run to you saying “Yay, no school today! What are we gonna do?!”

These lists are not actions-to-take as much as they’re ideas-to-remember.

Here’s a bunch of lists people have found helpful.

What Will You Have Accomplished During This Corona Virus Break?

What Will You Have Accomplished During This Corona Virus Break?

This pandemic has caused the closure of businesses and events, resulting in people being forced to stop working or do it from home. Are you one of those affected? With all this time on your hands, what are you doing with it?

Looking back on this Corona Virus break, will you be proud of what you accomplished?

Did you just sit around? Watch a lot of shows? Or did you accomplish something you can be proud of? Don’t let this time be a waste! You have so many opportunities right now! It’s still your time, and you still get to choose how you spend it!

Here’s some free ideas. You can start right now…

Ideas To Improve Your Commute

Ideas To Improve Your Commute

Commuting! It’s one of the most common examples people mention as something they “waste time” doing. The longer the commute, the higher the likelihood:
1) you won’t exercise as often or as intensely as you should,
2) you’ll grab quicker/unhealthier food instead of preparing something healthy or making smart choices, and
3) you won’t sleep as much as you should or need.

Eliminating your commute isn’t an option. How could you improve it? Make it more productive? Here are a bunch of ideas for you to consider:

Stop The Back-and-Forth to Set Meetings!

Stop The Back-and-Forth to Set Meetings!

Is this type of back and forth familiar to you?
“Hey can you meet next week?”
“Sure what time works good for you?”
“How about Wednesday afternoon?”
“No I’m busy then, what about Thursday?”
“No, I’ve got multiple events going on that day. Any other times work for you?”
And on and on….

This is such a waste of both party’s time sending all this back and forth, and waiting for the replies. Technology and software have eliminated the need for this, so now start using them and changing these habits to get your time back!

Email Management Hacks: Deep Dive on Snoozing Emails to Come Back Later

Email Management Hacks: Deep Dive on Snoozing Emails to Come Back Later

It's that conundrum:  It's an email notifying you of something important, but it came in at the wrong time. You can’t do anything with it now, you need it later. Yep, you can do that. Examples like:

  • Your boss says they’ll take care of your issue by next Tuesday at the latest, you need to follow up Wednesday afternoon if you haven’t heard anything.

  • Your bill is due in 2 weeks, but you don’t get paid until next week, so you need to remember to get back to it once you have the money.  

  • The aunt/uncle is going in for a medical procedure the end of next week, you want to be a good family member and send them a text or note the day before.

How on earth will you remember these at the right times? Do you have a system for remembering? Will it likely get lost in your inbox somewhere? Snooze the emails so they come back at the right time to remind you…

'Email Inbox to 0' Hacks: Cut Email Down to Minutes-A-Day Through Batching and Notification Changes

'Email Inbox to 0' Hacks: Cut Email Down to Minutes-A-Day Through Batching and Notification Changes

It’s time for a new habit around email.

The habit of checking our email and refreshing over and over throughout the day is common to many who use email for work. When it dings, lights up, or pops up…it pulls your attention away. It may be for a split second just to read the notification, or you might end up clicking into it and taking care of it right then.

You need to stop checking your inbox constantly, rapid switching in and out of your email decreases your productivity.

'Email Inbox to 0' Hacks: 4D Approach to Processing Your Inbox

'Email Inbox to 0' Hacks: 4D Approach to Processing Your Inbox

You are the supreme ruler over your email inbox! You GOT this!

It happens to everyone, being swamped with a full inbox after a holiday trip, a busy day of back-to-back meetings and they pile up, or you ignored it for a week, and now it looks like a mountain of email. If you get emails a lot, this experience must be overwhelming.

If you want to clean out your email inbox and keep it under control, it starts with two concepts…