Create Time

Who Has Time For Laundry?

Who Has Time For Laundry?

I haven’t done my own laundry since 2014. Not because I can’t do my own laundry though.

If you experiment with my time value calculator you can see a starting estimate of what your personal time is worth. For me, when thinking about opportunities like this around the house, I value my time at $35 per hour…

I started trying other wash-and-fold services. My perception was that the cost of sending the laundry through a separate service was going to be too high. This isn’t necessarily true though.

Dictating Is 3x Faster Than Typing. Start Talking!

Dictating Is 3x Faster Than Typing. Start Talking!

I’ve been pushing myself to try a new habit. Anytime I need to type one sentence or more, I talk to my computer or device instead of typing. It is so hard to break this habit after so many years of typing!

“You mean you’re talking to your devices? All the time?”

Yep! I talk to my phone, even out in public. I talk to my computer at home. I talk to my computer at work. I do it as much as possible. So. Freaking. Cool! It must be hilarious to be around me while I am working. I’m just taaaaaalking away with no one around.

“Alright, but HOW MUCH faster is it? Why isn’t everyone doing it?”

Stop The Back-and-Forth to Set Meetings!

Stop The Back-and-Forth to Set Meetings!

Is this type of back and forth familiar to you?
“Hey can you meet next week?”
“Sure what time works good for you?”
“How about Wednesday afternoon?”
“No I’m busy then, what about Thursday?”
“No, I’ve got multiple events going on that day. Any other times work for you?”
And on and on….

This is such a waste of both party’s time sending all this back and forth, and waiting for the replies. Technology and software have eliminated the need for this, so now start using them and changing these habits to get your time back!

Another Errand You Could Skip: Get Alcohol Delivered

Another Errand You Could Skip: Get Alcohol Delivered

Did you know you could get alcohol delivered? People tend to spend hours running errands. When it comes to buying alcohol, for instance, it takes an average person about 20 minutes or more. Often times this goes up depending on travel time to the store, finding what you’re and the time you have to wait in a queue, if there’s any.

It’s a good thing that e-commerce has reached the alcohol industry, and it’s actually thriving. This industry is expected to grow more in the next few years.  Have you ever had your alcohol delivered? What are you waiting for? Avoid these random trips to the store to satisfy your cravings, get your alcoholic beverages delivered!

Get Groceries Delivered. You Running Errands? Or Are Errands Running You?

Get Groceries Delivered.  You Running Errands? Or Are Errands Running You?

The average American spends on average 10 – 15 hours per week on tasks like doing laundry, picking up the dry cleaning or grocery shopping. And of course, this in addition to their regular “40” hour a week career, and this is frequently even more! This is more than just about work/life balance; it’s about taking back your time!

Let’s just zero in on those grocery store trips, for example. How much do your grocery visits cost? Let’s put a number to it…