What Will You Have Accomplished During This Corona Virus Break?

This pandemic has caused the closure of businesses and events, resulting in people being forced to stop working or do it from home. Are you one of those affected? With all this time on your hands, what are you doing with it?

Looking back on this Corona Virus break, will you be proud of what you did?

Did you just sit around? Watch a lot of shows? Mindlessly play video games? Or did you accomplish something you can be proud of? It’s still YOUR time, and YOU still get to choose how you spend it. Don’t let this time be a waste. You have so many opportunities right now!


Here’s some free ideas. You can start right now…

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.


What if your next career could start right now?

If you’re interested in working, you can start your side career right now. Amazon, Walmart, and others are hiring by the thousands. Plus, there are many virtual jobs that could match your skills, like working as a Virtual Assistant, Graphic Designer, Content Writer, Project Manager and more. The internet is filled with websites where you can register and search in their pool of freelance jobs. Some of these websites include Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, Mechanical Turk, and the list goes on. What are you waiting for? Start building up that portfolio and try something new!

NOTE: Don’t get sucked into social media.

I’ve written in the past about hacks to avoid social media, and apps to keep off of it. Please don’t spend this time falling into this bad habit!

be proud of what you do with this time.

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The universe may have given you this gift of some extra time or a break from your routine. Take advantage of it. Try something new. Learn something new. Spend more time with your loved ones even if it’s virtual. Don't let your memories from this quarantine period be just boredom, isolation, playing video games or just watching shows!

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I’m Brian. At age 4, I was diagnosed with insulin dependent (type 1) diabetes and told that I was going to have a harder life that was likely 10-20 years shorter than normal. I’ve lived my best life every day since then, because you only get one chance to live it. I created Productivity Gladiator because I saw what a difference it made to share small and specific actions you can take right now, right away, to achieve better work life balance, be more productive, and live your best life right now, today, not wait until retirement. I want you to start doing the things you WANT to do, not get stuck chasing what you NEED to do. If any of this resonates with you, send me a note. It brings me joy to share this passion with you.